The 2024-2026 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) roadmap details the actions that the GTT Group is committed to implementing to achieve its social responsibility objectives. This is the first time GTT has published a precise, detailed CSR roadmap covering a specific period.

Philippe Berterottière picture

Our 2024-2026 CSR roadmap is perfectly in line with our “raison d’être” and constitutes an important step for the Group in terms of commitment and social responsibility. This precise and detailed action plan now allows us to align our mission and our activities with strong and ambitious commitments and demonstrates our determination to put technology at the service of building a sustainable world.”


Philippe Berterottière
Chairman of the GTT Group

Reflecting the Group’s values and its “raison d’être”, GTT’s 2024-2026 CSR roadmap is structured around three axes: fighting against climate change, GTT’s responsibility as an employer, and its responsibility as a corporate citizen.

Axis 1: Fight against global warming

Through this axis, GTT is committed to:

  • reduce the climate impact of its activities by setting ambitious targets to reduce its CO2 emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3). These objectives have been submitted to the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) for validation;
  • decarbonise the maritime sector by developing innovative containment systems for alternative fuels, as well as by developing digital services;
  • contribute to building a sustainable world in particular by developing new containment systems for the maritime transportation of low-carbon energy, manufacturing electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen, and taking action to protect the environment and biodiversity.
Axis 2: Responsible employer

In this context, GTT is committed to fostering the development and engagement of its teams by:

  • reiterating the absolute priority given to the health and safety of its teams;
  • accentuating its actions in favor of skills development and the promotion of talents, notably through training and by encouraging internal mobility;
  • promoting diversity, inclusion and well-being, with strong objectives in favor of greater gender diversity, the adoption and implementation of a disability inclusion plan and actions raising awareness of psychosocial risks.
Axis 3: A corporate citizen

GTT places ethics and integrity at the center of the principles that govern the conduct of its activities. These principles are for everyone, whatever their role in the Group, a reference in terms of behaviour and action, whether individual and collective.

Through this axis, the GTT Group:

  • reaffirms its zero tolerance for corruption and undertakes to deploy within the Group, by 2026, a homogeneous ethical framework of the highest standard;
  • imposes its responsible purchasing policy with the objective of having 100% of its suppliers signatories to its Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct by 2026;
  • reiterates its support for local communities by committing to developing educational initiatives.

These nine commitments are accompanied by 24 clear and measurable progress indicators and objectives, described in the roadmap and will be reported on annually.